Monday, 13 February 2017

How can blogging enhance teaching and learning in SVG

Today in the technological era, teachers and educators alike are searching for the most effective and easiest way to get information across to students without using the traditional classroom. Blogs can be used as an effective earning tool in the classroom to help student improve or develop many different skills. 

What is a blog? 

  • A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
  • It is short for web log.

Example of a blog (ironic since am also doing a blog.. lol)-

How can blogging improve teaching and learning in SVG.

  Blogs can be used to help improve student writing skills, especially if the platform is used regularly. Teachers can also use the blog platform to get assignments or any written materials to students using blogs. Student can also capitalize by using the blog platform to discuss issues that they had in class or even share an idea about a particular topic among peers and teachers. Also, teachers can keep record of everything covered using blogs and parents can also access their children blogs to see all the work covered and post whatever question they may have from the comfort of their home (i could name a few parents who would prefer this!)
In conclusion, using the blog platform can improve students in SVG literacy and critical thinking skills, it will give students a sense of authority and responsibility and teachers a little breathing time 😃😃. 

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