Friday, 8 December 2017



Podcast by:
Devon Charles
Shakira Mcdowall
Tiffanie Ferdinand

This podcast would be used as a listening activity for students at any grade.

Story Title: My last day on Earth.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Reflection 8 (Poetic Writing)

Image result for poems graphic
During this week much was not covered due to time but a great deal was learnt. Within this week
we learned about what is a poem and elements of a poem. Not only were we given this
information but we were also given the difference between a poem and a normal piece of
writing. Poems are known to have their own specialty and each poem has its own touch sine no
two person are going to write the same poem. We were shown two pieces of writing around the
same theme during class. One was a poem the other was a basic report of an incident. After being
shown the convention or set up of the two pieces we discussed what differences we saw and our
lecturer addressed them without finalizing why that difference was present. Following this our
lecturer read each piece one after the other, after reading each piece twice we were involved in a
whole class discussion where we pointed out the differences between the two pieces and even
their similarities. After that discussion we were asked to come up with our own definition of
what is a poem, this we find a very good way to keep us thinking since discovery learning is a
very effective method in helping with memorization and in depth understanding of concepts.
This is how the lesson was introduced, after that activity we were given the formal definition of a
poem and the elements of a poem. This information is very important because we are expected to
teach poetry when we go out into the schools. In order for us to be able to effectively administer
the necessary information to students effectively we must have a very good understanding of
what are poems and what elements they consist or in other words what is needed when
composing a poetic piece.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Reflection 7 (Narrative Writing)

Image result for narrative writing
Writing is an important part of a child development. For this course, we previously covered some of the different genres of writing. This week we looked at narrative writing. Image result for narrative writingWe learnt that narrative writing deals with story writing and we were taught ways we can use to introduce our future student to narrative writing. We were already familiar with narrative writing so this lecture went smoothly. Our lecturer read us a story as an example for a narrative piece which we thoroughly examined. upon examining the narrative piece the lecturer explained. Related image Furthermore, we also covered the elements of story writing and how they can make a piece of writing interesting. Image result for narrative writing
Each of the elements were thoroughly examined and we were further taught how to help students effectively develop each of these elements in their story. Image result for elements of narrative writingWe then went on to explore some strategies we can use to teach narrative writing to student. As trainee teachers, we are now fully aware of some effective strategies that we will use to help our student when we are in the classroom.

Friday, 10 November 2017

Reflection 6 (Persuasive Writing)

Image result for persuasive writing
We learned that integrating technology in the teaching of writing is very essential in the primary classroom because of its effectiveness in promoting a cooperative and interactive environment that supports the writing process and social perspective of learning. There are numerous software programs that can be bought to assist students in their writing which includes Microsoft word which is useful in creating and revising documents, wikis, blogs which are currently used to do our reflections.
     We all came across the word persuasive and we were aware of what it actually meant, which was swaying others to an opinion or to believe something through reasoning or the use or temptation. When our lecture introduced the topic persuasive writing, we were aware that it was like writing a letter to the prime minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines persuading him why novice teachers should be paid. Elements of persuasive writing includes an appeal to emotions which means matters most deeply human beings by using rhetorical devices such as hyperbole. Image result for persuasive writing
  As a novice teacher we have a better understanding as to how we can teach our students to write persuasive writing. We can use the OREO format, expose students to form of persuasion which includes written advertisement, clippings from political speech, allow them to develop their own list of persuasive elements, teach them the elements of persuasive writing and provide them with to write a persuasive piece and use the author's chair to publish their work.Image result for oreo strategy for persuasive writing

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Reflection 5 (descriptive writing)

Within this week descriptive writing was the main focus. Enough information was given to clear any misconception or lack of comprehension toward this specific topic. We learnt that descriptive writing entails an in-depth description of people, animals, places, things and events, words are used to appeal to the senses of the reader and adverbs and adjectives must be present. Following this information we were told how we as student teachers should go about teaching descriptive writing. We were taught that it is better to teach students to identify specific bahaviours, name characters and list attributes and we were also told to teach the essence of good word choice and to help with that we were presented with a list of descriptive sensory words. It is evident that students may not grasp the concept at first so we were provided with commonly faced problems in descriptive writing and ways to solve them if the occur. The curriculum which we follow has recently been updated and in it are some new and improved outcomes. Most of us were unaware of this until our lecturer provided us with that information, with that information was provision of a few examples of the outcomes posed in the curriculum. Wholesomely this information was delivered in a simplified way and that aided comprehension. We are pleased with the fact that there was provision of possible problems and their solutions in the case of occurrence strategies to use and few words we can use to teach the use of sensory words. This information is very important especially for pre service teachers and we plan to utilize it well.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

LIT REFLECTION 4 (connection)

Related imageDuring class this week, we first recapped on the connection between reading and writing and the importance it played on the development of a student throughout school. Image result for connection between reading writing and spelling

 As we did this, remnants of what we did in a previous course began to play over in our mind and to further solidify our understanding of the importance connecting reading and writing our lecturer reminded as what we as teachers needed to do to achieve it in our classrooms. During this week we learnt about another important skill that is also connected to reading and writing which is needed to help students progress through school. The stages of spelling was then introduced to us and we thoroughly went through the features of each stage.
 Image result for stages of spelling

The lecturer also explained what we can implement to help students develop accordingly at each stage. As teachers we are now aware of what is needed to be done to help our students develop by using strategies that help allows for the connection of reading, writing and spelling.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017


   This week was very interesting and educational. during this week on the 5th of October, we had group presentations where groups presented creatively on how the writing traits and writing process are connected. Our lecturer had always encourage us to be creative whenever we had to do presentation and this week was no different. Each group came up with some creative charts to relay their information, which kept the class very interesting.

The presentations were all great and well executed and we are proud of what our individual group did. This taught us that we can use different creative ways in enhancing our students writing skills so that when our students leave the classroom, they are capable of writing excellent pieces.
Image result for writing is fun cartoon image
During this week, we also learnt about elements of genre which is basically to supply data. In this genre, expertise opinion is vital, objective and researched and cited material is relevant. We also learnt about the different forms of expository writing which includes sequence, comparison,contrast, cause and effect and classification. During this class we were also taught how to teach expository writing to our students by using the two writing strategies (POW and TREE).
Image result for pow writing strategy
This week made us aware that when we are teaching expository writing to students we must make them aware that they have to take into consideration the audience and their purpose so that their content and tone will be suitable and as novice teachers we should teach our students that plagiarism is not acceptable and that they should never be subjective because their opinion is not necessary for expository writing.

Sunday, 8 October 2017


Writing is an essential part of our everyday lives and participating in writing activities develops a person’s writing and comprehension skills. We were taught about the importance of writing on the lives of our future students and we were also taught about some different strategies we can use to help boost our students’ writing. We  also covered the different steps that can be taken to guide a student in becoming a successful writer. On the 21st of september, we did presentations on the different areas of the writing process and on the different elements of the writing workshop. All presentations were good but  there was a interesting one that stood out the most. This group used an author’s chair in their presentation of a workshop where they played the role of students reading their pieces while wearing an author’s hat.

     Following the reading, the teacher used a corner of the class as the publishing area to bring out the publishing stage  of the writing process. We thought that this was a great way of portraying the final stage in the writing process and we are of the opinion that students who engage in these activities are more willing to write and share their ideas. We also  learnt from that presentation  that  it gives students the chance to listen and learn from each other, help  students share their ideas on writing and to assist in developing better writing skills. We also noticed that using the author’s chair would allow the students to be more engaged, motivated and eager to participate. We are now more  knowledgeable about the different elements of the writing workshop and the importance of using the writing process to effectively improve students writing.
 As novice teachers, these presentations served us well. We learnt that children learn to write by writing, the more students write about their emotions, the better the chance of becoming critical thinkers. Therefore, when we were taught that when we go into our classrooms we have to incorporate writing in all of the subject areas and we have to be able to incorporate  the workshop and elements that it consists of to make our lessons more creative and help students to  grasp the concept quickly. Although, it is a  Language Arts classroom, it will be fun filled and the students will be able to learn from each other.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017


        On Thursday 28th of September, we learnt about several best practices for teaching writing and how they are interrelated with the stages of the writing workshop. For instance, the more children practice writing, the more their writing skills will develop. As novice teachers we learnt that when we go into our classrooms we should be able to model what we teach and talk through what we are doing as we write so that our students will follow in our footsteps. Also, we should always provide our students with opportunities to write about things that are of interest to them so that they will write more and explore their expressive qualities.  
All teachers are teachers of writing no matter their specialization. During this week we learnt about the stages of writing development from the random letter to the proficient. This information was very important because as a teacher you must be able to identify the stage which students are at so you can take the necessary steps to help them.
Additionally we learnt about the six traits of writing (ideas, organization, word choice, voice, conventions, sentence fluency plus one presentation). After being taught the rationale behind the six traits, we were given information as to how we will assess the final pieces. We appreciated the way the information was presented and were very optimistic to finish the piece of work in the your turn section.When placed in a real life classroom, it is evident that there will be many mixed abilities and different learning styles of students within. Therefore this information will help us as teachers to better our chances of having successful lessons and effectively assist our future students.

Monday, 13 February 2017

How can blogging enhance teaching and learning in SVG

Today in the technological era, teachers and educators alike are searching for the most effective and easiest way to get information across to students without using the traditional classroom. Blogs can be used as an effective earning tool in the classroom to help student improve or develop many different skills. 

What is a blog? 

  • A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
  • It is short for web log.

Example of a blog (ironic since am also doing a blog.. lol)-

How can blogging improve teaching and learning in SVG.

  Blogs can be used to help improve student writing skills, especially if the platform is used regularly. Teachers can also use the blog platform to get assignments or any written materials to students using blogs. Student can also capitalize by using the blog platform to discuss issues that they had in class or even share an idea about a particular topic among peers and teachers. Also, teachers can keep record of everything covered using blogs and parents can also access their children blogs to see all the work covered and post whatever question they may have from the comfort of their home (i could name a few parents who would prefer this!)
In conclusion, using the blog platform can improve students in SVG literacy and critical thinking skills, it will give students a sense of authority and responsibility and teachers a little breathing time 😃😃. 

Thursday, 9 February 2017

AIA Argyle International Airport- History in the making

People have been mourning the need for an international airport for the longest while, because of all the problems encountered while travelling thru the current airport, on the airline which i would not even waste my time on mentioning. My views on this new airport that is set to open pretty soon will always be positive (anything that would save me from going thru Barbados and waiting on LI......
). Personally i think it would do more good that bad for our small and developing country, surely there would be a huge boost in tourism, because with direct flights to the Gem of the Antilles, tourist will be quicker to buy tickets for a direct flight to SVG than waiver through Barbados to wait on LI... am pretty sure everyone on earth knows about that airline and its problems. There will also be a boost in the economy since more trade can be done easier and quickly with international commodities, so the country's international relationships would also grow, even if it takes 100 years the airport will remain, hopefully. On the local side of things, there will be a boost in the job market and those person living here will now have direct access from here to any country they choose, once the international airlines come.